Non-Monogamy Coaching

As a clinician and program developer, I’ve worked closely with hundreds of humans in non-monogamous relationships. My coaching framework offers a more directive approach than psychotherapy: I draw from my personal and professional experience to offer guidance for non-monogamous folks confronting challenges specific to open relationships. The nature of coaching is generally short-term and task-oriented, while psychodynamic psychotherapy is long-term and holistic.

Individual Coaching

Individual Non-Monogamy Coaching is ideal for folks engaged in any style of non-monogamous dating— whether partnered or solo, hierarchical or non-hierarchical/anarchical— who have specific relational challenges on which they’d like to work (e.g., establishing and upholding boundaries, working through jealousy, etc.). Individual coaching engagements range from 3-6 sessions, on a weekly or every-other-week cadence; if, after 6 sessions, a coaching client wants to continue our work together, I’ll recommend transitioning to psychotherapy. Book a free consultation.

Partner Coaching

Partner Non-Monogamy Coaching is ideal for dyads, triads, polycules, or any sort of relationship configuration that includes two or more committed partners who have specific relationship conflicts with which they need support (e.g., establishing relationship agreements, desire discrepancies, communication, etc.). Partner coaching engagements typically range from 3-9 sessions, on a weekly or every-other-week cadence; if, after 9 sessions, coaching clients want to continue our work together, I’ll recommend transitioning to relationship therapy. Book a free consultation.